Are you looking for vacancies for professorships?
Unlock exclusive job opportunities with the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV). We provide our members with the full job postings for all vacant professorships in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, tailored to your specific field. Additionally, we offer listings for universities of applied sciences and links to international job boards.
Stay Informed: Receive timely, subject-specific job postings at no cost as a DHV member, ensuring you never miss out on relevant opportunities.
The following mailing lists have been set up:
- Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences (including Forestry, Landscape Ecology, and Food Science)
- Civil and Structural Engineering (including Geodesy, Urban Planning, Architecture, and Civil Engineering)
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Electrical Engineering *
- Earth Sciences (Geology, Geography)
- History
- Social Sciences / Studies (including Educational Sciences/Studies, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Communication Sciences) *
- Leadership Positions (Presidents, Chancellors, Rectors)
- Medicine (including Clinical and Theoretical Medicine)
- Computer Science *
- Art and Music Sciences (including Design, Theater Studies)
- Mechanical Engineering (including Metallurgy, Mining Engineering, and Materials Science) *
- Mathematics
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Law
- Sports Science
- Language and Cultural Studies (including Ethnology, Archaeology, Religious Studies)
- Theology
- Economics *
- Veterinary Medicine
- Dentistry
*separate lists for universities and other higher education institutions such as universities of applied sciences

Thomas Frison
Academic Job Posting Service
phone: 0228 90266-30

Dilan Akter-Akin
Academic Job Posting Service
phone: 0228 90266-73