
Along with seminars in German the Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV) also offers seminars in English. In addition to an introduction to the German academic system, also assistance on the path to a professorship is provided and new ways of scientific publishing are presented.

Discover our seminars in English:

Online seminars

How to become a Professor in Germany - Career Paths and Application for a Professorship in Germany

This seminar addresses early career researchers who are considering a career as a professor at a German university or are starting to apply for professorships in Germany. In the first part of the seminar the participants get an overview of the career paths to a professorship, covering the legal requirements, the appointment procedure and the legal status of a professor. The second part of the seminar addresses questions concerning the application documents and process, for example the search for relevant job advertisements, the typical structure and content of the written application documents expected by German universities and how to make a good impression during the further steps in the selection process.

How to become a Professor in Germany - Appointment Negotiations for a Professorship in Germany

Appointment negotiations for Professorships at German universities follow specific rules and require thorough preparation in order to achieve optimal results. The first part of this seminar gives an overview of the legal framework of appointment negotiations, for example the status of the professor, the framework for salary and bonuses, the starting package and other relevant legal aspects. In the second part of the seminar, the preparation of the negotiation and the development of an individual negotiation strategy will be addressed. This includes typical negotiation topics, the preparation of written negotiation documents as well as the explanation of the steps in the negotiation process from start to finish.

Introduction to the German academic system

The German academic system is complex and not always easy to understand, especially for academics from abroad. In need of explanation are particularly the federal structure, the typology of universities and research institutions and also the various options for funding research projects.

This seminar provides a compact overview of the German academic system and offers the opportunity to ask individual questions. It is primarily aimed at international postdocs, but is also open to all other interested persons.

Face-to-face workshops

Mastering Conferences in English

Workshop (max. 12 participants)
This transformative one-day journey is designed specifically for German academics who seek to excel in the English-speaking academic arena. Drawing on years of experience distilled in Dirk Siepmann’s Dictionary of Academic Usage, this seminar focuses on the subtleties of delivering compelling presentations. Emphasising elements such as humorous openings, audience engagement, and stylistic adequacy, this seminar will help you master the distinct characteristics that set English oral productions apart.

By the end of this seminar, you will be equipped with the skills and confidence to deliver presentations that resonate with English-speaking audiences. 
Join us to bridge cultural differences and communicate your research with eloquence and impact.

Teaching Methods and Lecture Design 

Workshop (max. 12 participants) 
This seminar is held in English and particularly designed to meet the practical challenge teaching multi-cultural student groups. It focuses on the contemporary skills and techniques of how to plan and conduct lectures, seminars or workshops in a professional, goal- and result orientated fashion. Creative and innovative lecture and teaching methods such as the ‘4 MAT Design’ by Bernice McCarthy, the Harvard concept of ‘Conversational Teaching’ or the research results ‘What Best College Teachers Do’ by Ken Bain will be discussed.
The objective is to achieve better educational results for students and lecturers alike. It will enable you to present your teaching material and research results in an attractive and inspirational manner, to motivate active cooperation and open discussions in the class room and turn your courses into a dynamic learning experience.
Beside the theoretical aspects of the topic, participants will be involved in numerous practical exercises and team sessions and will get in-depth feedback on their development during the seminar.

Further seminars in German can be found at