Mission and Goals

What the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers wants

The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) was re-founded in 1950 as a continuation of the Association of German Universities, which was dissolved in 1936. It advocates impartial science in a liberal constitutional state. Its fundamental principles are freedom and the indivisibility of research and teaching.

The DHV is a co-designer of higher education and education policy in Germany. It represents the political, legal and economic interests of university lecturers vis-à-vis the state and society. It is particularly concerned with up-and-coming academics.

The work of the DHV serves both the university teaching profession as a whole and the interests of individual members. The DHV monitors legislative and administrative measures with statements and proposals and exerts influence on politics.

The DHV is the comprehensive service and information organisation for academics at German universities and equivalent institutions of higher education and for young academics.